Development of Blood Pressure Symptom subdomain for the Spinal Cord Injury Quality of Life

  • Jensen, Sally Elizabeth (PD/PI)
  • Kallen, Michael Anthony (Other)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The vendor will provide investigators at the James J Peters VAMC with psychometric analyses of data from 500-600 individual survey responses obtained from veterans and non-veterans with SCI. Investigators at the James J Peters VAMC will use these analyses to develop the CAT for identification of the impact of blood pressure dysregulation on health related quality of life in veterans and non-veterans with SCI. The CAT is a clinical assessment tool with 10-15 questions which will aid the clinician in determining the impact of blood pressure dysregulation on quality of life in persons with SCI such that the clinician can intervene with insight to improve health and longevity in patients with SCI.
Effective start/end date9/28/159/27/16


  • James J. Peters VA Medical Center (VA243-15-C-0182)


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