Project Details
The purpose of Hepatitis C Community Alliance to Test and Treat (HepCATT) in Chicago is to leverage the strengths of each partner in delivering care to hepatitis C-infected persons (HCV) to establish a robust and sustainable infrastructure to improve the HCV continuum of care. The program targets populations in the city of Chicago (population 2,714,856) with HCV-related health disparities: 913,009 African Americans (34% of Chicago residents), 616,639 persons living below the poverty level (23% of Chicago residents), 601,586 persons in the 1945-1965 birth-cohort (22% of Chicago residents)i. We also use evidence-based strategies to reach high risk populations, e.g., persons who inject drugs or who were previously incarcerated. HepCATT includes the following 11 healthcare organizations and 20 community health centers (CHCs): Illinois Department of Health (IDPH), Chicago Department of Health (CDPH), University of Chicago (UC), Northwestern University (NU), University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Walgreens (WAG), BioCure Specialty Pharmacy (BSP), Alliance of Chicago, American Liver Foundation – Great Lakes Division (ALF-GLD), The Caring Ambassadors, Inc (CA), Medical Research Analytics and Informatics Alliance (MRAIA), and the ECHO-Chicago network of 17 community partners.
We have identified 6 short-term outcomes and 3 long-term outcomes to measure our progress. Short-term outcomes include:
1. Plan and implement a package of services to improve HCV diagnosis and care through collaboration of key HCV stakeholders in Chicago (UC)
2. Improve collaboration among key stakeholders (public health, HCV subspecialists, primary care providers (PCPs), case managers, patient advocacy, policy) with a robust HCV network built and sustained using the Extension for Community Health (ECHO-Chicago) platform. (IDPH, CDPH, UC, UIC, Allliance, FQHCs, CA, ALF-GLD)
3. Increase PCP capacity to screen, provide clinical care and coordinate case management for HCV-infected persons through a) ECHO-Chicago telehealth training, b) EMR alerts from the HepCATT electronic surveillance system; c) clinical decision support embedded in the EMR (UC, NU, MRAIA, Alliance, FQHCs)
4. Improve HCV community awareness through culturally appropriate education and outreach (print, broadcast, social media, live events) to target populations and community leaders; alternate site rapid testing for high risk populations without a PCP; and linkages to ECHO-trained community providers for care (UIC, ALF—GLD, CA, WAG)
5. Increase capacity and availability of data sources to monitor health outcomes and improve health department surveillance using a secure, HIPPA-compliant MRAIA clinical data warehouse with de-identified, de-duplicated clinical data from 20 partner FQHCs, all major Chicago hospitals, Walgreens, and BioCure Specialty Pharmacy to generate reports and alerts for follow-up when indicated (All partners)
6. Improve quality of care and reduce costs by leveraging ACA and other opportunities through collaboration with Illinois Health and Family Services (Medicaid) and the Illinois Hepatitis C Task Force, existing financial assistance programs, and advocacy at the city, state, and national levels (UC, ALF-GLD, CA, FQHCs)
Long-term outcomes include:
1. Improved quality of care for HCV-infected persons; increase primary care screening (N%), diagnosis (N%), and treatment (N%); provide case management for 400-600 persons/year
2. Improved completeness and timeliness of surveillance data using HepCATT surveillance system based on clinical data from the secure, HIPPA-compliant MRAI
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/14 → 9/30/18 |
- The University of Chicago (FP058209-B // 5NU51PS004607)
- National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (FP058209-B // 5NU51PS004607)
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