Doris Duke Charitable Foundation African Health Initiative (AHI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Consultant will provide the Work for Foundation’s African Health Initiative (AHI) staff to continue to strengthen the support, monitoring, learning and dissemination from the Foundation-funded African Health Initiative Phase Two Projects being implemented in Ghana, Mozambique and Ethiopia. The Work will include the following specific Tasks: 1. Strengthen the focus on quality as a core theme throughout the AHI Phase Two projects’ work including measurement, improvement and including capturing care delivery as well as the planned inputs and outcomes a. Input into AHI program reporting forms and requirements to ensure prospective capture of key areas of work including quality measurement and work to improve gaps and progress towards meeting the program goals (implementation and impact) b. Review of AHI grantee reports and written and verbal feedback and cross-program synthesis to help Foundation’s core team in providing feedback and identifying opportunities for increased learning from and across the grantee teams 2. Support work of the Foundation’s AHI team in developing and implementing a strategy and plan to ensure ongoing exchange between Ghana, Mozambique, and Ethiopia country program leaders to share experiences and identify specific areas where collaborations and more active co-learning is of benefit a. Development of a strategy to increase value of interchange between programs during annual AHI grantee meetings, PI meetings, and other opportunities synergized with the World Health Organization Learning, Engaging, and Advocating for Policy and Systems Research (LEAP Forum) effort b. Identify opportunities for and facilitate 1-3 cross country project exchanges between Ghana, Mozambique, and Ethiopia teams per year in areas of common focus to support active collaboration and potential manuscripts 3. Assist in dissemination activities including supporting development of papers, conference presentations and other approaches. Work with WHO LEAP
Effective start/end date7/1/179/30/21


  • Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (Agmt 9/6/17)


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