Enabling AI/ML Readiness and Modernization of Longitudinal Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Health Data

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Nulliparous Pregnancies Outcomes Study: Monitoring Mothers-to-Be (nuMoM2b; NICHD, 2009-2014) initiated a longitudinal cohort of 10,038 nulliparous women prospectively enrolled early in their first pregnancy that has continued with the nuMoM2b Heart Health Study (nuMoM2b-HHS; NHLBI and NICHD, 2014-2020) and current Continuation of the nuMoM2b Heart Health Study (nuMoM2b-HHS2; NHLBI, 2020-2027). The racially and socioeconomically diverse cohort participants have rich and accurate records-based phenotyping of their first pregnancy and associated outcomes, including risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) measured in early pregnancy, with subsequent examinations during the early postdelivery period. As part of the cohort’s longitudinal follow-ups, a planned subgroup of 4,508 participants have ascertainment of APOs in additional pregnancies, assessments for risk factors and subclinical and clinical CVD, and completed laboratory assays on stored biospecimens. Omics analysis results, including GWAS, WGS, methylation, plasma proteomics, exosome proteomics, and placental RNAseq are also available or are in development for subgroups of the participants. Continued participant follow-ups and separately funded ancillary studies will further expand the duration and scope of data collection. It is the overarching goal of this administrative supplement application to bring the full nuMoM2b and nuMoM2b-HHS data, including omics data not yet deposited, onto BioData Catalyst and into alignment with FAIR principles. Upon completion, the data will be located on a single platform with pipeline and analytic tool support; machine-readable with relevant clinical ontologies assigned; with user-friendly metadata and documentation; and future-ready processes for conversion of newly gathered data to AI/ML ready status. These steps will result in data ready for use in AI/ML analyses as well as traditional epidemiologic models and will enhance dat
Effective start/end date8/1/221/31/23


  • Research Triangle Institute (15-312-0217457 Amnd 1 // 3U01HL145358-03S1)
  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (15-312-0217457 Amnd 1 // 3U01HL145358-03S1)


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