Evaluating the Impact of SB 472

Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of this project is to evaluate the implementation of California’s prescription drug labeling regulations (SB 472) and develop recommendations for enhancing it to improve medication adherence. The grantee will perform the following tasks: • Collect and analyze Rx drug containers from a sample of California-based pharmacies to determine compliance with SB 472 requirements and evidence-based labeling practice. Pharmacies to include variation in geography and type (independent, chain, Kaiser etc.); • Conduct and analyze semi-structured interviews with pharmacies and key stakeholders (e.g., pharmacists associations) to understand their implementation experiences, including perspectives on SB 472, lessons learned, compliance challenges, etc.; • Conduct and analyze semi-structured interviews with patients and consumer advocates to understand their implementation experiences, including availability, perceived benefits, challenges, etc.; • Prepare an interim report summarizing the results of the Rx label analysis and semistructured interviews and a corresponding manuscript to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal; • Review of the interim report’s findings and SB 472 by a multi-disciplinary advisory panel comprised of pharmacists, patients, prescribers, etc. to identify gaps in the current regulations and development of recommendations based on evidence-based labeling practices on how state prescription drug labeling regulations can be enhanced to be more fully patientcentered; • Production of an issue brief to be published by CHCF summarizing the overall findings and recommendations; and • Participate in a Sacramento briefing organized by CHCF with the California Board of Pharmacy and other key stakeholders.
Effective start/end date5/1/147/31/15


  • California HealthCare Foundation (18268)


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