Fixed Price Portion

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Mothers and Babies program agrees to provide the following services from September 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019: • Participate in project planning calls to coordinate the Mothers and Babies training, as well as ongoing consultation and evaluation. • Provide a 2-day, in-person training in San Diego, CA scheduled September 17-18, 2018. • Provide consultation to First Steps service providers and supervisors during the implementation process, with a minimum of monthly teleconference calls for program sites implementing the individual modality, and biweekly teleconference calls for program sites implementing the group modality, depending on the needs of the sites. • Provide technical assistance related to systemwide implementation of Mothers and Babies to the American Academy of Pediatrics, CA Chapter 3 on a monthly basis during the project period. • Provide technical assistance and support for evaluation of Mothers and Babies implementation, including surveying of service providers and exploration of relevant measures related to family outcomes. • Provide distance learning training materials (e.g., webinars, videos, powerpoints) for training future staff hired in the network.
Effective start/end date9/1/188/31/19


  • American Academy of Pediatrics California Chapter 3 (Agmt 08/29/18)
  • First 5 Commission of San Diego (Agmt 08/29/18)


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