Florida Statewide Mothers and Babies Training 2018-19

Project: Research project

Project Details


This Agreement supports capacity-building and early childhood systems development for Florida MIECHV Initiative sites and Healthy Start Coalitions (HSC) serving high-need families with children age 0-3 throughout the state, by facilitating training on the Mothers and Babies Course for program supervisors, infant mental health consultants, and home visiting program staff. Mothers and Babies (MB) is a manualized, evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral intervention developed to prevent the onset and/or worsening of perinatal depression, which can be implemented by home visitors during the course of a regularly scheduled home visit. This project will build home visiting programs’ capacity to address maternal mental health by providing them with a mental health intervention that can be incorporated into the services they provide clients.
Effective start/end date7/1/18 → 6/30/19


  • Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions, Inc. (#15-23 // 1X10MC31134-01)
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (#15-23 // 1X10MC31134-01)


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