Fox Genetic Network

Project: Research project

Project Details


1. Build the infrastructure for genetic testing on a large scale for targeted pathogenic LRRK2 and GBA mutations. 2. Offer telegenetics nationally for LRRK2 and GBA genetic testing for both unaffected and affected individuals with relevant genetic risk factors. 3. Establish an infrastructure for education of community neurologists and the PD patient community on the availability of targeted PD genetic testing focusing on “druggable” targets (LRRK2 and GBA). 4. Pilot an infrastructure focusing in Chicago initially on community-based neurologists that will collect and process samples and return mutation testing results (LRRK2 and GBA) to their PD patients. 5. Prepare to expand the infrastructure to a national level to support genetic testing by neurologists and other specialists providing care in the community to PD patients.
Effective start/end date5/1/197/31/22


  • Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (18240)


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