Frailty and Functional Status in Older Liver Transplant Patients

Project: Research project

Project Details


SPECIFIC AIMS Among patients undergoing liver transplantation, we aim to: Aim 1: Determine the extent to which pre-transplant functional status – at a single time point – is associated with 1-year post-transplant mortality and global functional health. Aim 2: Determine the extent to which trajectories of pre-transplant functional status – while on the waitlist – are associated with 1-year post-transplant mortality and global functional health. Aim 3: Develop and validate a clinical prediction rule that incorporates both pre-transplant functional status, patient, and donor characteristics to predict 1-year post-transplant mortality and global functional health.
Effective start/end date9/15/188/31/19


  • University of California, San Francisco (11172sc // 3K23AG048337-05S1)
  • National Institute on Aging (11172sc // 3K23AG048337-05S1)


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