Graduate Student Support: Geev Nahal Gelehpordsari

  • Sauls, James A (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Starting September 2021 Geev will work at SQMS division of Fermilab on development of a unique SRF test cavity for studying the electromagnetic properties of dielectric materials in a wide range of frequencies, from 5 GHz to 8 GHz at sub-Kelvin temperatures. The measurement results will be used for the development of 3D qubits. In the framework of this project, the following tasks will be carried out: 1. Refresh the electromagnetic (EM) design of the tunable cavity. 2. Finalize manufacturing of the Al prototype of the cavity. 3. Perform tolerance analysis. 4. Perform simulations necessary to extract a sample loss tangent form Q0 measurements. Perform error analysis. 5. Perform RF measurements of the prototype operating without piezo tuner at room temperature (RT) to confirm the cavity tunability. 6. Perform cold measurements of the cavity to demonstrate high Q0. 7. Learn all the lessons and refresh design of the Nb cavity. 8. Manufacture the Nb cavity. 9. Assembly the cavity and the tuner, perform RT RF measurements. 10. Perform measurements at sub-Kelvin temperatures and define the test material loss tangent at different frequencies and temperatures. 11. Write and publish the paper for a peer-reviewed journal. 12. Write the thesis. The work on the cavity development and test material characterization should be completed by April 2022. Geev is supposed to defend his PhD by fall 2022. During this period, from September 2021 to August 2022, Geev will work at SQMS, Fermilab, under the supervision of Dr. Mattia Checchin, Associate Scientist, and Deputy Head of the Quantum Material and Qubit Department of SQMS division. Geev will collaborate is synergy with several SQMS staff members:
Effective start/end date9/1/218/31/22


  • Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (682432 // DE-AC02-07CH11359)
  • Department of Energy (682432 // DE-AC02-07CH11359)


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