Graduate Student Teaching in the Arts & Sciences

Project: Research project

Project Details


• Create a “community of practice” composed of History graduate students and faculty focused on developing discipline-specific principles and practices aimed at promoting undergraduate student learning in history. o Develop graduate student and faculty participation in workshops and reading groups. o Build capacity for faculty to support graduate students in teaching and learning. o Develop a network of peers locally and nationally via the American Historical Association (AHA) and other venues. • Develop a graduate professional development structure in History that includes a series of workshops and reading discussion groups aimed at students in varying stages of their graduate career. o Create a series of workshops aimed at improving student learning in NU history courses. o Develop discipline-specific principles and practices to be used in NU history courses. o Develop innovative (evidence-based) teaching approaches in NU history courses. o Develop faculty-led reading groups to discuss relevant issues in teaching history. • Create an online curricular resource guide to teaching history that offers advice on developing objectives and assessments in history courses and suggestions for pedagogy in both seminar and lecture settings. o Identify resources, links, and materials that reflect discipline-specific principles and practices. o Compile key discipline-specific principles and practices identified in the professional development workshops and reading groups. o Disseminate resource guide to faculty and graduate students at Northwestern and to the broader community via the AHA.
Effective start/end date3/1/136/15/18


  • Teagle Foundation (AGMT - 02/19/2013)


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