High Content Analysis Platform for Image-based Screening

Project: Research project

Project Details


We are requesting funds to acquire a contemporary high content imager that will sustain and enhance projects important to the objectives of the Office for Navy Research. Currently, under federal award ID N000141210173, “Drugs to stimulate neurite regeneration from damaged cochlear neurons,” we are using a novel imaging method for discovery of drugs aimed at treating noise-induced hearing loss. To identify potential therapeutics, we are treating primary spiral ganglion neurons with thousands of different small molecules to find those that increase survival or nerve fiber regeneration. This in vitro screening is being performed at Northwestern University’s High Throughput Analysis Laboratory (NU-HTA), which houses a high throughput, high content microscopy platform that is essential to acquiring data and evaluating critical features of primary neuron health. At present, the majority of the current imager’s active time is dedicated to the spiral ganglion drug discovery project. The remaining time is utilized by several other projects that could significantly contribute to warfighter restoration, including therapeutics for neurological disorders such as Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s disease, and novel nanotechnologies for use as cancer and infectious disease therapeutics. In addition, the NU-HTA participates in several educational training and outreach programs, also a mission of the DURIP program. Acquisition of the new imager would significantly accelerate and expand our ability to discover new therapeutics for maintaining the survival, health and performance of Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
Effective start/end date6/4/146/12/15


  • Office of Naval Research (N00014-14-1-0781)


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