ICFP PLMW support 2016

Project: Research project

Project Details


Summary The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) is one of the premier conferences in computer science. Thus, it is a critical one to attend for students working in the areas covered by ICFP. In 2016, ICFP will be co-located with a the second instance of the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop tailored for ICFP (called PLMW@ICFP). The purpose of the workshop is to broaden participation in functional programming research careers, focusing on people who have the interest and talent, but otherwise would not have the opportunity to pursue such a research career. This proposal will provide partial or full support for 15 students to attend the mentoring workshop and main conference. Key Words: student travel support, diversity
Effective start/end date5/1/164/30/17


  • National Science Foundation (CCF-1633588)


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