Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative (ILPQC)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative (ILPQC) has been successful at efficiently and effectively implementing a statewide perinatal collaborative with statewide birthing hospital involvement and collaboration of a large base of key stakeholders across Illinois. ILPQC was formed in late 2012 when the Illinois Perinatal Advisory Committee Prematurity Task Force report to the Illinois legislature recommended that “resources be provided for a perinatal quality collaborative to work in tandem with the Regionalized Perinatal System to engage in ongoing quality improvement initiatives”. At that time, support from the Illinois CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant and March of Dimes brought the Perinatal Quality Collaborative of Illinois(PQCI), a neonatology-focused collaborative, together with obstetric quality improvement leadership to form a state¬wide quality collaborative that would work closely with the Illinois Regionalized Perinatal System (RPS) on both obstetric and neonatal quality improvement initiatives. A dedicated leadership team was established with members representing clinical leadership, public health officials and key groups such as March of Dimes and the IL Hospital Association. A series of key stakeholder meetings were held in late 2012 and early 2013 to establish a mission, vision and goals for the collaborative. Start-up funding was provided by the fed¬eral Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) Quality Demonstration Grant. Perinatal quality collaborative leaders in California, Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio provided consultation and expertise to the Illinois team. A website, logo / branding and marketing materials were developed. A formal statewide kick-off conference was held in November 2013 with over 180 obstetricians, neonatologists, nurses, public health officials and quality directors attending from across the state. Ohio sent four members of the OPQC leadership team to lead learning sessions and provide expertise. With collaboration across multiple stakeholders, a dedicated leadership team, mentoring from established collaboratives and participation by hospitals from across the state, the Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative (ILPQC) was born. Since the Kick-Off Conference in November 2013, the collaborative has been able to expand effectively secondary to strong collaborations across the state. A neonatal nutrition initiative was launched with data collection starting in 19 hospitals January 1, 2014. A data informatics team was established at Northwestern University and a secure web-based ILPQC REDCap data system was developed. The neonatal initiative converted from paper to web-based data collection in April 2014. A collaborative infrastructure was developed with weekly leadership team calls, weekly data team meeting, monthly Data Advisory Workgroup / Neonatal Advisory Workgroup and Obstetric Advisory Workgroup statewide calls. A collaboration with the Illinois Hospital Association and the March of Dimes jointly sponsored a series of three OB Quality Bootcamp webinars in December 2013, February 2014 and April 2014, each Bootcamp consisting of 4 hours of video stream presentations from state and national QI leaders giving short 30 minute presentations on QI topics including reduction of early elective delivery. Over 80 hospitals participated in these well attended Bootcamps. The OB Early Elective Delivery Initiative was launched in May 2014 with the first monthly OB Initiative Hospital Teams call. At this time 44 hospitals have enrolled to participate by identifying ILPQC
Effective start/end date7/1/159/29/16


  • Illinois Department of Public Health (66380016D/U38DP005367 // 66380016D/U38DP005367)
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (66380016D/U38DP005367 // 66380016D/U38DP005367)


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