Implementation of Outpatient Clinical Pharmacy Services: Award for a Pharmicst

Project: Research project

Project Details


i. The following data will be tracked by the CFPS throughout the grant period: 1. Number of patient visits/patient evaluations 2. Number of interventions made in each of the following categories: a) Dosing adjustments b) Drug allergies c) Drug interactions d) Regimen optimization e) MAE management/minimization/avoidance f) Adherence-related g) Therapeutic drug monitoring consultations h) Continuity of care consultations with outside institutions ii. Admissions will be tracked during the 3 year grant period and compared to the 3 year period prior to the grant iii. The process data collected under (i) above and the outcomes data under (ii) above will be utilized to justify institutional funding of the position both from a patient care improvement and a cost avoidance standpoint.
Effective start/end date11/1/1610/31/19


  • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CCRX237-16)


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