Improving the PowerTrain Systems of Northwestern Solar Vehicle Team

Project: Research project

Project Details


As an engineering school at a highly rated academic institution, the Northwestern University McCormick school of Engineering and Applied Science places great value on teaching its students applicable skills to empower themselves in the job market. While many of these skills are formally taught in classroom instruction, one of the added values of the school lies in the various engineering student groups. These groups provide the necessary access and arena for students to practice their engineering skills. Upon graduation, the institution expects the students to be fully prepared in both technical knowledge and application to best serve the employers they seek. In many ways, the Northwestern Vehicle teams are one of the most effective outside classroom activities. By building fully functional vehicles, students learn the complex mechanical and electrical engineering techniques used in the process. Given the extended project format, it familiarizes students with the planning, execution, troubleshooting, and maintenance that is expected from many engineering graduates. Ultimately, these skills are what makes great engineering employees, and we feel that from an educational and job training perspective, The Northwestern Vehicle teams have much to offer to Denso in the form of its graduates.
Effective start/end date9/1/165/30/17


  • DENSO North America Foundation (Agmt 08/30/16)


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