Improving Veterans Referrals by Optimizing Network Design in Response to COVID-19

Project: Research project

Project Details


This research will extend the current study of 26 education-based community networks to examine 17 veteran and military service referral networks under the AmericaServes umbrella. This move extends the project to examine another type of network (i.e., a referral network) and another social context (i.e., veteran and military family services). Second, responding to the new demands placed on human service networks by the COVID-19 response, this research will examine how veteran and military service networks adapt to a surge of new cases. Third, as a way to reduce the bottle-neck that hub organizations may create in referral networks, it will examine the transition from a centralized network to a hybrid network form.
Effective start/end date6/15/2012/14/21


  • Army Research Office (W911NF2010202)


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