Jennifer Dunn - Joint NU/Argonne Appointment

Project: Research project

Project Details


NAISE - NU/ANL Joint Appointment for Jennifer Dunn 25% of $160K, ($40K), from ANL Projects listed below: 49088-A5-155 Co-Optima -15 % 49179-SC-155 Separations Consortium-Steering Committee 8% 49179-AN-155 Separations Consortium - Analysis 2% *Will need THREE chart strings set up!
Effective start/end date2/1/178/31/21


  • UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory (EDSR Agmt 2/18/2021 // EDSR Agmt 2/18/2021)
  • Department of Energy (EDSR Agmt 2/18/2021 // EDSR Agmt 2/18/2021)


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