Kokes Awards for the 26th North American Catalysis Society Meeting

Project: Research project

Project Details


This proposal is to seek support for travel assistance of thirty four graduate students from U.S. universities to attend the 26th North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Chicago, June 23-28, 2019. The North American Catalysis Society Meetings (NAM) has been the premier conference in the area of catalysis, surface science and catalytic reaction engineering in the United States. As before, the 26th NAM to be held during the week of June 23-28, 2019 in Chicago, IL will bring together the maximum number of academic (including students and postdoctoral researchers), industrial and governmental laboratory personnel working in the areas of catalysis, surface science, and catalytic reaction engineering for intensive, positive, and interactive scientific exchange and discussions concerning scientific and technological issues in the field of catalysis. Additionally, attending students and post-docs will benefit from a series of workshops on key aspects of catalysis science prior to the first day of technical content, to be presented by a panel of prominent researchers on best practices in catalysis. In addition to scientific learning, the NAM meetings also provide opportunity for networking, social interaction and informal discussions. They provide ample opportunity for exchanging ideas and meeting with researchers in the catalysis and catalytic reaction engineering field. The meeting is particularly beneficial for students, who are able to attend and participate in the largest, focused catalysis meeting organized within the United States, and to meet established researchers from national laboratories and industry to obtain advice and input on career advancement and professional development. The meeting serves as an effective career development tool for graduate students from U.S. Institutions, who will form the backbone of the future U.S. chemicals and fuels industry.
Effective start/end date4/1/193/31/20


  • National Science Foundation (CBET-1907565)


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