Learning in Places: Field Based Science in Early Childhood Education

Project: Research project

Project Details


As part of our subcontract, Dr. Bang and the research scientist will perform the following tasks. Dr. Megan Bang’s responsibilities: • Dr. Bang will lead and manage all aspects of the project with Carrie Tzou. • She will participate in weekly project management meetings, design meetings, and research meetings. • She will attend design summits as able including major design summits with teachers. • She will help to design accompanying studies including developing analytical processes and coding schemes. • Dr. Bang will aid in disseminating the research through co-authoring publications and presentations. • She will attend summer design summits as able. • She will attend weekly PI meetings. Research Scientists • The research assistant participating in this project will primarily suport curriicular design, professiona development design. • In addition the research scientists will take a lead role in manage and data analysis across all data sets. • The research scientists will manage and faciltiate weekly research meetings and design meetings and support coordiantion across sites. • The research scientist will attend the weekly PI meetings as well as other team meetings. • The research assistant may also be invovled in dissemination of the work through support to the development of publications and presentations.
Effective start/end date9/1/186/30/22


  • University of Washington (UWSC11018 Amd. #3 // DRL-1720578 AM 004)
  • National Science Foundation (UWSC11018 Amd. #3 // DRL-1720578 AM 004)


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