Macular and Optic Disc Blood Flow in Eyes with Normal-Tension Glaucoma and History of Optic Disc Hemorrhage as Measured with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Project: Research project

Project Details


The main objective of our study is to determine if there are differences in peripapillary capillary plexus blood flow and whole macula blood flow in patients with NTG and disc hemorrhage compared to disease matched high-pressure primary open-angle glaucoma patients without a history of disc hemorrhage. We plan to recruit a total of ninety patients divided into three groups: NTG with history of disc hemorrhage, high-pressure glaucoma without history of disc hemorrhage, and normal healthy controls. During the study visit we will collect OCTA of the macula and optic disc, along with data on corneal thickness, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, eye drop medications, and systemic medications. We will capture machine-generated quantitative analysis of the OCTA and compare groups using unpaired, two-tail Student's t-test. We hypothesize patients with NTG and disc hemorrhages will have reduced blood flow as measured by OCTA compared to disease matched high-pressure glaucoma patients with no history of disc hemorrhage.
Effective start/end date7/1/1812/30/20


  • Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness (Check 7307)


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