Making PROMIS Meaningful to Patients and Providers in Clinical Practice

Project: Research project

Project Details


As co-investigator and Northwestern site PI, I will direct all efforts to apply the Bookmarking Method (BMM), a mixed-methods, modified-Delphi consensus validation approach to identify significant change and potential alert thresholds for PROMIS scores in RA patients. Our group at Northwestern has unique experience applying this emerging methodology, which has been traditionally used in education for academic testing, to the field of PRO Measurement Science to develop guidelines for PRO results. As a co-investigator, Dr. Cella will participate as a member of the Steering Committee on quarterly calls providing input on protocol development and implementation, quality review, interpretation of study data and dissemination of study. He will direct all activities related to the developing and implementing the BMM in the patient and the health professional groups during a 1 day meeting, and related IRT analyses. He will work closely with the study team to help disseminate study findings and application of these methods to a broader audience of PROMIS and PRO users, including posting a brief summary of results and relevant peer reviewed publications on the PROMIS website. Dr. Cella will also work with the study PIs to identify opportunities within PCORnet and other outlets to disseminate findings to clinicians and investigators who utilize PROs and PROMIS measures across chronic diseases and platforms. As co-investigator, Dr. Cook will participate in application of the Bookmarking Method (BMM) to identify thresholds for PROMIS scores in RA patients. She has substantial experience in this area, having applied the method in samples of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and in clinicians who treat MS. In addition, she led the first BMM application to PROMIS pediatric measures. Dr. Cook has expertise in generating the psychometric data required for generating clinical vignettes, a key component of the BMM. In addition, she has facilitated BMM workshops, which require a systematic process of consensus gathering, evaluation of consequential validity, and re-evaluation of consensus thresholds. As a co-investigator, Dr. Cook will participate as a member of the Steering Committee on quarterly calls providing input on all aspects of the study. She will apply required item response theory analyses and facilitate the 1 day BMM event. In addition, she will develop written explanations of study methods for use in dissemination of findings and participate more generally in disseminating study results.
Effective start/end date1/1/1512/31/16


  • Johns Hopkins University (2002555128 // ME-1402-10818)
  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (2002555128 // ME-1402-10818)


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