Manufacturing Process Compiler - A Foundation for New Process Generation

Project: Research project

Project Details


To accomplish this ambitious goal, three pillars will be established: (1) a unifying process description language (PDL) to capture the rich variety of manufacturing methods based on physical principles; (2) a manufacturing process synthesizer (MPS) to generate process alternatives for given part requirements using PDL and constraints; (3) a manufacturing process evaluator (MPE) to evaluate the processes generated by MPS against a Knowledge-based Evaluator that is being continuously enhanced through machine learning and a multi-scale multi-physics Simulation-based Evaluator when a new process emerges. Finally, an integration task with physical demonstrations will be performed to demonstrate that manufacturing processes can be systematically synthesized.
Effective start/end date9/1/198/31/25


  • Office of Naval Research (N00014-19-1-2642-A00001)


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