Mobile Media Summit

Project: Research project

Project Details


This project is to produce a national conference on mobile media and mobile journalism, simultaneously in Chicago and San Francisco, that will spread mobile media best practices to help journalists reach and engage the audience of the future, and bring journalism educators up to date on current trends and future directions. It is called “Mobile Me & You 2”; the first such conference was held last year in Nebraska. This project is designed so that its participants learn more about how mobile media are disrupting journalism and what journalists can do to counter, and leverage, that disruption. We will produce a conference with journalists and non-journalists who are excelling at using new mobile and social media technologies and platforms to distribute their messages and engage their audiences. Audience feedback from the first MobileMe&You conference in October 2015 showed that attendees still wanted to learn more about mobile media best practices. 95 percent of the respondents said they would attend a second conference focusing on learning how to use mobile and social media more effectively. By locating the conference simultaneously in Chicago and San Francisco, using Medill's new campus in both locations, we are making it easier for journalists and educators to take part, and for presenters to fit it into their schedules.
Effective start/end date9/12/1611/30/17


  • Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation (Agmt 12/27/16)


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