Project Details
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHVP) provides intensive home-visitation services to new and expectant families to strengthen the parent child relationship, encouraged healthy child growth and development and nurture parents in their role as the child's first teacher and prevent child abuse and neglect. Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) - Assists expectant and new parents identified as having a significant risk for child abuse/neglect to reduce that risk through intensive home visiting services.
Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) - Utilizes Nurse Home Visitors to assist low-income first time mothers and their children to improve their health and life-course. Parents as Teachers (PAT) - Provides information, support and encouragement to expectant parents and parents with children ages zero to five.
Early Head Start - Home Based (EHS/HB) -Support and enhance the continuum of infant and
toddler growth and development; Support parents to fulfill their parental roles and move
toward self-sufficiency.
Each MIECHVP community consisting of a Coordinated Intake Worker/Agency, and Community Systems Development Worker, and Home Visiting Agencies has joined into a collaborative with the goal of streamlining home visiting services wit in their community. Each Collaborative will have a coordinated intake process to assure that families have a central point of entry for services. The coordinated intake provider will assist families in determining the services and supports that are best suited for their needs. Each agency is responsible for the services that fall within their role within the
Dr. Darius Tandon is a faculty member at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Along with his colleagues, Dr. Tandon has developed a cognitive-behavioral intervention aimed at preventing the onset and worsening of depressive symptoms among women enrolled in home visiting (HV) programs. The interventionThe Mothersand Babies (MB) Coursehas been previously tested in home visiting programs in Maryland, Washington DC, and Hawaii. The scope of work for this project is provide training and supervision to HV programs in the State of Illinois on the MB Course with the goal of these HV programs sustaining implementation.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 8/1/14 → 6/30/15 |
- Illinois Department of Human Services (Agr. No. FCSTS03738 // Agr. No. FCSTS03738)
- Health Resources and Services Administration (Agr. No. FCSTS03738 // Agr. No. FCSTS03738)
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