Project Details
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant):Northwestern University Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Center inRheumatology (MCRC) are: 1) to conduct cutting-edge, nationally recognized andfunded research aimed at the prevention or control of arthritis andmusculoskeletal diseases and 2) to provide the academic environment thatsupports and enhances the interdisciplinary research of the MCRC faculty. Theobjectives of this MCRC proposal are 1) to secure funding for the Center?sMethodology/ Data Management Core (MDMC), three clinical research projects:Local Environmental Factors in the Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis (OA)(Project 1), Long-Term Consequences of Lupus: Vascular and Bone Complications(Project 2), Racial/Socioeconomic Disparities in Arthritis and FunctionalLimitation Rates (Project 3), and one developmental feasibility project: JointReplacement Surgery: Social Support, Ethnicity, And Gender Patterns In PatientDecision Making (Project 4); 2) to leverage this MCRC funding to enhance theinfrastructure for rheumatology clinical research at Northwestern University,and 3) to participate in the national effort to enhance the awareness withinthe academic community and the community at large of the public health burdenof arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases and the possible medical and publichealth solutions to these problems.The proposed MCRC at Northwestern University (NU) will operate as an integratedunit to address a broad range of clinical research endeavors. The MCRC willcontinue to unite the Medical School?s Adult and Pediatric RheumatologyDivisions, other divisions in its Department of Medicine, its Department ofPreventive Medicine, and the University?s Institute for Health ServicesResearch and Policy Studies and the Office for Clinical Research and Training.Moreover, it fosters interactions among centers throughout the United Statesmost notably the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University ofPittsburgh. The proposed projects focus on crucial issues
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 2/15/02 → 12/31/07 |
- National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (5 P60 AR048098-05)
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