Network Frontier Workshop 2013

Project: Research project

Project Details


The proposed workshop will bring together a diverse group of experts in complementary areas of network science, dynamical systems, and complex systems. The workshop participants will be comprised of experts both in theory and applications as well as students and postdoctoral researchers. There will be a substantial emphasis to topics that cut across disciplinary boundaries. This will be the second edition of this workshop series, and it is expected to mirror the success of the first edition, held at Northwestern University in December 2011. The workshop speakers will report on recent results in the area of network science and related applications. They will in addition participate in discussion about future directions that are likely to lead to transformative research. Participants will become aware of the latest results in their respective subfields, and will also be able to discuss with other experts in an interdisciplinary environment. Because of the cross-disciplinary nature of the workshop, experts will become aware of the latest developments in fields related to but different from their own. This is expected to generate new insights and stimulate new interdisciplinary collaborations. In addition, the workshop will involve activities jointly organized with the Northwestern SIAM Student Chapter, which will include tutorials by experts, presentations by students and postdoctoral researchers, and discussions about career opportunities. The inclusion of early-career researchers will also help promote the transfer of this expertise to the next generation of engineers, mathematicians, and physicists.
Effective start/end date9/1/138/31/14


  • U.S. Army RDECOM Acquisition Center, Research Triangle Park Contracting Division (W911NF-13-1-0375)


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