New Terrain for Preservice and Inservice Teachers of Science and Mathematics: Building Facility with NGSS and CCSS in a Cyber-Enabled Environment

Project: Research project

Project Details


Northwestern University will assist Clark University in two areas of the New Terrain project: (a) data analysis and (b) development for the Next Generation Science Exemplar System (NGSX). Data analysis: PI Brian Reiser will head the NU team to analyze data collected from the pre and post surveys administered as part of the NGSX field trials and New Terrain work. Data analysis will include both quantitative and qualitative analysis of teacher responses for the pedagogical items from the survey. Pathway development: Reiser will head the NU team to develop a storyboard for a unit addressing how to take NGSS practices into the K-12 teachers’ own classrooms. The storyboard will identify key learning goals and tasks and include drafts of task design and resources.
Effective start/end date7/1/14 → 9/30/14


  • Clark University (25140-7531/928-100/12060-21592-2013 // 25140-7531/928-100/120...)
  • Department of Education (25140-7531/928-100/12060-21592-2013 // 25140-7531/928-100/120...)


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