NU Site: CAPriCORN - Chicago Area Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network

Project: Research project

Project Details


Project Summary: The CAPriCORN application for full membership to PCORnet 2.0/PCRF is intended to continue the work-to-date of the network with the focus of improving health, health research, and healthcare by, • Conducting patient-centered research that engages patients and stakeholders in all phases of research • Continuing the development of a distributed research network that is broadly accessible to researchers • Continuing to develop new methods, tools, and models to conduct health research • Continuing to expand and improve the common data model platform and broadly share data sets, including through linkages to disparate sources of data • Collaborate with PCORnet research groups as well as CAPriCORN network members
Effective start/end date11/1/189/30/20


  • People-Centered Research Foundation (PCRF Contract #1236)
  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCRF Contract #1236)


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