Off-Campus Rate Costs for Young Men who have Sex with Men HPV Prevalence Study

Project: Research project

Project Details


Young men who have sex with men (MSM) between the ages of 18 and 26 years will be recruited into a study to determine HPV prevalence, HPV vaccine acceptance, vaccine series initiation and completion, and correlates. Our goal is to enroll into the study and collect responses to a standardized computer-based survey (regarding demographics, sexual behavior, and HPV knowledge, attitudes, and practices) and also biological specimens (rectal swabs, oral rinses, and serum) from up to 550 young MSM total from two cities (Los Angeles, California, and Chicago, Illinois). Analysis of medical records of participants choosing to allow us to track completion of the HPV vaccination series may last up to 1 year beyond the date of study enrollment for each participant. All specimens will be shipped to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for processing and testing. Staff at the University of Kentucky will provide HPV DNA test results and necessary explanations or additional counseling for participants wishing to receive their own test results. Participants will be made aware when submitting specimens that laboratory tests are research tests and will not influence clinical care or guide follow-up in any way.
Effective start/end date9/30/159/29/17


  • University of Kentucky (3210000169-16-138//5U48DP005014-02)
  • National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (3210000169-16-138//5U48DP005014-02)


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