Optimizing Bridge Abutment Slope Protection at Stream Crossing

Project: Research project

Project Details


The following specific objectives are defined based on the request for proposal (RFP) by WHRP:  Determine the severity, causes, and types of slope protection issues in Wisconsin by analyzing qualitative and quantitative factors believed to trigger failure in the slope protection.  Plan and oversee comprehensive surveys providing useful information about alternative slope protection strategies practiced successfully at various other states.  Perform Life-Cycle cost analyses to provide information about the optimum abutment slope protection strategy with maximum service life and minimum life-cycle cost.  Update the WisDOT bridge manual with consistent recommendations and guidelines from this study.
Effective start/end date10/1/2012/28/22


  • Wisconsin Department of Transportation (0092-21-02 // 0092-21-02)
  • Federal Highway Administration (0092-21-02 // 0092-21-02)


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