Patient-centered Research into Outcomes Stroke patients Prefer and Effectiveness Research

  • Ruff Treiber, Ilana Marie (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The overall goal of PROSPER is to create a national, sustainable model to improve decision-making and patient-centered stroke outcomes through comparative effectiveness research. The American Heart Association (AHA), American Stroke Association (ASA), its volunteers, and the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) propose to address existing evidence gaps and develop the requested data on the range of clinical outcomes that may be experienced by stroke survivors. To achieve these goals, we will link the nation’s largest stroke registry, the AHA Get With The Guidelines-Stroke program and nationwide Medicare claims data, coupled with telephone interviews for longitudinal treatment and downstream patient-reported outcomes. We will then conduct series of comparative effectiveness and safety studies that will inform existing and emerging stroke treatment options in order to improve outcomes most important to stroke patients
Effective start/end date2/20/1510/31/16


  • Duke University (197530 // 197530)
  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (197530 // 197530)


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