PICO-60 Installation and Operations at SNOLAB

Project: Research project

Project Details


1. On-site support of PICO-60 operations at SNOLAB provided by graduate student Daniel Baxter, including the following activities as needed: a. Installation and testing of in-situ buffer fluid purification system b. Installation and testing of muon veto system c. Installation and testing of quartz-to-metal seal for PICO-60 d. Installation and testing of video data acquisition system e. Integration and commissioning of the full PICO-60 system 2. Remote support for PICO-60 by graduate student Daniel Baxter, including the following activities as needed: a. Remote shift-taking and monitoring of PICO-60 b. On-call support for trouble-shooting the PICO-60 systems listed in (1)
Effective start/end date1/6/1610/5/16


  • Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (PO No. 625740 // DE AC02-07CH11359)
  • Department of Energy (PO No. 625740 // DE AC02-07CH11359)


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