Support of the Cryogenic System Installation for SuperCDMS Operations

Project: Research project

Project Details


This Statement of Work (SOW) is made between Northwestern University and Fermi Research Alliance (FRA), which is the manger and operator of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). This document represents an agreement between Northwestern University and FRA in support of the operations phase of the SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment. The work to be performed is limited in scope specifically defined herein and may only be amended by the written agreement of both parties. The Statement of Work deliverables are for the 1-year term of this subcontract. The relevant university tasks will start from receipt of subcontract. The SuperCDMS SNOLAB experiment will search for dark matter with masses between 1-10 GeV/c2 with an unprecedented level of sensitivity. It is currently being constructed underground at SNOLAB. The detector payload consists of large crystals of semiconductor (Ge and Si). These are cooled to temperatures of ~40 mK in order to be sensitive to the phonons induced by particle interactions taking place in the detectors. A major component of the experiment is the cryogenic system, which derives its cooling power from a custom designed, Leiden dilution fridge. The fridge was procured and tested at Fermilab. It will undergo additional testing before being sent to SNOLAB for installation as part of the SuperCDMS experiment. This SOW enables a researcher, Dr. Benjamin Schmidt, at Northwestern University to help with the extended operation of the dilution fridge while it is at Fermilab. This will enable him to become intimately familiar with the workings of the cryogenic system so that he may then help to install the fridge and support the experiment further once it has been shipped to SNOLAB.
Effective start/end date11/9/218/31/22


  • Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (682757 // DE-AC02-07CH11358)
  • Department of Energy (682757 // DE-AC02-07CH11358)


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