Quantifying Compliance to the New 2017 Hypertension Treatment Guidelines and Investigating the Association Between Guideline Compliance and Patients' Trajectory of Blood Pressure

  • Tedla, Yacob Ghirmatsion (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The 2017 hypertension treatment guideline lowered the threshold for the initiation of medication to blood pressure (BP) ≥130/80 mm Hg (from ≥140/90) for some patients and this could worsen the already low rate of compliance (range 25-65%) to treatment guidelines. In this study, we will evaluate compliance to the 2017 hypertension treatment guideline and its association with patient BP pattern using electronic health record data that comprises information on several aspects of hypertension care. Findings of this study will help in designing future targeted interventions to enhance compliance to treatment guideline and BP control.
Effective start/end date3/1/2010/31/20


  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (1K01HL145345-01A1)


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