Relationship between Psychological Distress an the Efficacy of Immunotherapy in Patients with Glioblastoma

Project: Research project

Project Details


To test our hypothesis here at Northwestern, we propose building upon a clinical trial that already has established funding, and Dr. Wainwright has already secured institutional and Internal Review Board (IRB) approval for the projects proposed below. We hope to explore two avenues, one clinical and one laboratory-based, that may help explain why immunotherapy remains an elusive treatment for glioblastoma patients. Once funded, both of these projects could begin as soon as the postdoctoral fellow is hired (a process that typically takes a few months). Ultimately, this research will comprehensively evaluate the impact of psychological and behavioral factors and their association with overall survival in both laboratory models and patients. Our goal is to inform and improve treatment options for patients impacted by glioblastoma.
Effective start/end date7/1/196/30/22


  • BrainUp Inc. (Grant ID: 2136)


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