RERC on Timing Investigation Dosage Implementation

Project: Research project

Project Details


SCOPE OF WORK 1. Provide a description of the work, referencing the Project’s grant application as appropriate. The two interns will participate on the RERC on Timing Investigation Dosage Implementation in the following activities: A. Assist in assessments of subjects participating in Center research studies B. Assist in data analysis C. Assist in the construction of data tables and the preparation of materials for presentations D. Prepare a manuscript of research findings and prepare a poster for presentation at the end of the internship 2. List the personnel of SUBAWARDEE who will be performing the work. Ma Zhiyao Zhuoli Zhung 3. List the locations at which SUBAWARDEE will perform the work. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 345 E. Superior, Chicago, IL 4. List the equipment SUBAWARDEE will use to perform the work. Surface EMG grids and ultrasound 5. Will RIC patient information be used by SUBAWARDEE? They will have access only to information given by research participants after informed consent. 6. List any sub-subcontractors. None
Effective start/end date6/20/169/29/16


  • Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (CC#81348 CL3037 // 90RE5013-02-02)
  • National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (CC#81348 CL3037 // 90RE5013-02-02)


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