RI:Small:Dynamic In-Hand Robotic Manipulation

Project: Research project

Project Details


Overview Dexterous manipulation requires the ability to manipulate an object within the hand. Examples of in-hand manipulation include finger gaiting, controlled rolling of fingertips, sliding of the object in a grasp, and various types of regrasp actions. This proposal's focus is on in-hand manipulation by controlled sliding. It combines two key strengths of the Neuroscience and Robotics Lab: (1) a long history of controlling relative motion during graspless manipulation and (2) a unique new NSF MRI-funded experimental testbed, the Istrumented Manipulation Environment (IME). The IME consists of a seven-dof Barrett WAM arm with wrist force-torque sensor, a four-finger 16-dof Allegro hand, four Syntouch Biotac tactile sensor fingertips, and a ten-camera OptiTrack high-speed vision system. To achieve controlled sliding within a grasp, research will focus on four topics: (a) object state estimation during in-hand manipulation; (b) controlled sliding with external loads from contact forces; (c) controlled sliding with external loads from inertial forces; and (d) real-time feedback control of the load-sliding relationship. Keywords: robotic manipulation, underactuated systems Intellectual Merit As control of manipulators, and the sensory data available, continues to improve, new capabilities become available. This work is focused on using those capabilities, coupled with appropriate mechanics models, to achieve new capabilities in in-hand manipulation. Broader Impacts Apart from the new capabilities the proposed work will give to robotic manipulators, he proposed work will impact graduate education through the PI's ME 449 Robotic Manipulation course, and projects for two PhD students and several MS students in Northwestern's MS in Robotics program. Undergraduates will have the opportunity to participate in independent study. The PI serves as a mentor in the Summer Research Opportunities (SROP) program for URM undergraduates, and regularly hosts URM students in the lab. Finally, graduate students working on this project will annually show their work at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry's annual Robotics Week celebration.
Effective start/end date7/1/156/30/19


  • National Science Foundation (IIS-1527921)


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