Stair - Subproject for Institution # SP0029832

Project: Research project

Project Details


Q1-Q2: Select initial catalytic target materials for synthesis and treatment via DFT. Order or synthesize ALD precursors and conventional supported dry reforming and methanol synthesis catalysts. Perform deposition studies on quartz crystal microbalance Q2-Q5: Prepare pure oxide overcoats on conventional catalysts. Perform small scale tests of catalyst stability. Work on gen-2 precursors. Characterize catalyst materials to evaluate particle growth and surface area loss. Begin testing catalytic materials for thermal, photochemical and combined thermal and photochemical activity in collaboration with TAMUQ . Provide feedback on results from DFT based on initial catalyst testing. Q4-Q6: Prepare gram quantities of promising catalyst formulations and ship to TAMUQ. Scale up best in-house prepared precursors. Assist in scale-up of promising catalyst preparation at TAMUQ. Continue with testing and screening of catalyst materials for catalytic, photocatalytic and combined thermal and photoactivity in collaboration with TAMUQ. Refine goals for a choice of optimal catalytic materials based on these tests and DFT results. Begin reaction kinetics studies (themal, photo and photo combined with thermal) on the best available catalysts in collaboration with TAMUQ. Q6-Q10: Depending on the outcome of small scale tests of catalyst stability, prepare higher-stability doped oxide overcoated catalysts. Develop appropriate precursors to achieve this as needed. Perform longer term stability tests. Continue scale-up of catalyst synthesis at TAMUQ and supply of gram quantities from Northwestern. In conjunction with TAMUQ, select most promising catalytic materials for more detailed collaborative kinetic studies. Continue with kinetic studies and interface with reactor modeling studies at TAMUQ. Q10-Q14: Develop methodology for metal and bimetallic nanoparticle deposition leading to all-ALD catalyst preparations. Develop appropriate precursors to achieve this as needed. Continue collaborative work with TAMUQ on kinetics studies and interface with TAMUQ effort on reactor modeling with a goal of narrowing the scope of potential optimal catalytic materials. Q13-Q16: Prepare and test small-scale all-ALD catalyst preparations. Evaluate complex formulations for activity and stability. Continue collaborative work with TAMUQ on kinetics studies and interface with TAMUQ effort on reactor modeling on optimal catalytic materials. Scale up gen-3 prercursors. Q15-Q20: Perform scaled-up synthesis of complex, all-ALD catalysts at TAMUQ. Continue collaborative work with TAMUQ on kinetics studies and interface with TAMUQ effort on reactor modeling on our final choices for optimal catalysts for DR and methanol synthesis. Scale up all prercursors needed.
Effective start/end date8/1/158/4/21


  • Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (C9782 // NPRP X-100-2-024)
  • Qatar National Research Fund (C9782 // NPRP X-100-2-024)


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