Subproject for Institution # SP0043566

Project: Research project

Project Details


Dr. Daniel Mroczek will co-lead Core C - Statistics Core, with Drs. Carr and Karlamangla, collaborating on cross-project analyses using integrative methods, developing comparative analyses between MIDUS and other large NIH-funded studies with which they have expertise, and organizing methodological workshops where experts provide members of the MIDUS team hands-on consulting in applying cutting edge research methods to their work. Dr. Mroczek will provide leadership in organizing workshops focused on panel data methods and growth curve models, including longitudinal models with which he has extensive experience.
Effective start/end date7/15/175/31/19


  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (U19AG0151426//1U19AG051426-01A1)
  • National Institute on Aging (U19AG0151426//1U19AG051426-01A1)


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