Supplement for Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program

Project: Research project

Project Details


The proposed new T32 postdoctoral training program at Northwestern University, “Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program,” is a reformulation of an existing and successful R25T training program targeted to radiologists and radiation oncologists, Cancer Nanotechnology in Imaging and Radiotherapy ((R25CA132822-05). Although it will retain an emphasis on translational cancer nanotechnology research, the new training program will encompass a broader array of research opportunities, exemplified by the participation of faculty from eleven different departments, and it will be open to PhDs as well as to MDs. Like the current R25T program, the T32 training program will be administered by the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, and trainees will have access to a wide variety of institutional research resources that have contributed to Northwestern’s reputation as a national leader in nanotechnology research. The program will build upon several of the foundational elements of the current R25T program, including the continued involvement of many of the current program’s faculty members, and, most notably, its program director, Dr. Gayle Woloschak. The proposed T32 training program will have research, educational, and career development components, including the formulation of individual development plans for each trainee, and it will use a variety of mechanisms to evaluate the performance of trainees, the faculty, and the program as a whole. Multiple strategies, many adopted from the current R25T training program, will be used to attract MDs to the new program. Funding is requested for four postdoctoral fellows per year for a period of five years.
Effective start/end date9/1/151/31/21


  • National Cancer Institute (3T32CA186897-02S1)


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