Support for Daikang Yan

Project: Research project

Project Details


Daikang Yan, on the behalf of Northwestern University, will be working on superconducting detector development for x-ray microscopy applications. This work helps position the APS as a leader in developing high-resolution detectors for spectroscopic applications at the APS, in particular for microscopy applications. She will work closely with Antonino Miceli, and Orlando Quaranta. Daikang will develop 2D resistor network model for transition-edge sensors. Daikang will also design TES X-ray microcalormeters optimized for Compton scattering and energy dispersive X-ray diffraction. In particular, Daikang will study how to minimize position dependence due to the finite thermal diffusion time in the absorber, especially in the longitudinal direction. In order to evaluate this effect, Daikang will divided the absorber into thermally-linked many bodies and solved the TES signal response analytically through differential matrices. Daikang will provide quarterly summaries of her progress and will present her results at Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018.
Effective start/end date10/1/189/30/19


  • UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory (8J-30009-0003A // 8J-30009)
  • Department of Energy (8J-30009-0003A // 8J-30009)


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