Support for Daikang Yan

Project: Research project

Project Details


Daikang Yan, PhD candidate in Applied Physics at Northwestern University, will be working on superconducting detector development for x-ray microscopy applications. This work helps position the APS as a leader in developing high-resolution detectors for spectroscopic applications at the APS, in particular for microscopy applications. She will work closely with Antonino Miceli, Thomas Cecil, and Tim Madden. Initially, she will begin to develop an understanding of various superconducting detectors, including calorimeter theory and various thermometer technologies (e.g., MKID, TES, etc). This year Daikang will finish work on the applying principal component analysis to pulse processing. Northwestern expects to submit a journal paper on this work this year. In addition, Daikang will be involved with adapting Argonne’s cryostat and electronics in order to accommodate the NIST microwave SQUID multiplexer chip with TES. This is part of a collaboration with SLAC and NIST to develop the microwave multiplexed TES arrays for x-ray light sources. Finally, she will provide quarterly summaries of her progress.
Effective start/end date1/1/1512/31/16


  • UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory (3J-30081/3J-30081-0038A // DE-AC02-06)
  • Department of Energy (3J-30081/3J-30081-0038A // DE-AC02-06)


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