Support for Young Pyo Hong

Project: Research project

Project Details


Young Pyo Hong, a PhD candidate in Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern University, will be working to develop new capabilities for fluorescence tomography at the 2-ID beamlines and the Bionanoprobe beamline at the APS, working closely with Si Chen in the APS Microscopy Group. This work helps position the APS as a leader in developing scientific applications that require high brightness x-ray beams such as might be the emphasis of the APS Upgrade.
Effective start/end date10/1/149/30/16


  • UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory (3J-30081/3J-30081-0036A Rev 0036C // 3J-30081/3J-30081-0036A ...)
  • Department of Energy (3J-30081/3J-30081-0036A Rev 0036C // 3J-30081/3J-30081-0036A ...)


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