Targeting Tumor Epigenetic Signatures to Treat High-Grade Glioma

  • Saratsis, Amanda Muhs (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Pediatric brain tumors are the most common solid tumors of childhood, with approximately 4,000 new tumors diagnosed each year in the United States. Sadly, pediatric brain tumors are also the leading cause of cancer death in children. Despite treatment, nearly all children with high-grade glioma, the most common subtype of pediatric brain tumor, succumb to their disease within two years of diagnosis. In the case of pediatric midline and brainstem gliomas, the diffusely infiltrative nature and anatomic location of the tumor precludes surgical resection, and medical management has no effect on overall survival. One of the greatest impediments to more effective treatment of diffuse midline glioma is a lack of tissue available for molecular study: for decades the scientific community relied on post-mortem, post-treatment specimens for analysis, limiting knowledge of tumor molecular biology and discovery of appropriate therapeutic targets.
Effective start/end date4/1/203/31/21


  • Hartwell Foundation (Saratsis AGMT 12/16/20)


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