Testing the Efficacy of a Couple-focused, Tailored mHealth Intervention for Symptom Self-Management among Men with Prostate Cancer and their Partners

Project: Research project

Project Details


This study will provide a novel model for self-managing chronic illness symptoms that impact patient body image, couples’ relationships, intimacy, and QOL. It addresses the NINR’s goal to develop and test new strategies for symptom self-management to help patients and caregivers better manage their illness and improve QOL; and responds to calls for programs from the IOM and ACS to address treatment-related effects and improve survivors’ QOL.
Effective start/end date7/1/196/30/22


  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (5114999 // 5R01N016990-05)
  • National Institute of Nursing Research (5114999 // 5R01N016990-05)


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