The 35th Midwest Probability Colloquium

Project: Research project

Project Details


The 35th Midwest Probabilty Colloquium We propose to hold the 35th Midwest Probability Colloquium at Northwestern University on October 10-12, 2013. This conference series is the major annual gathering of the probability and stochastic analysis community in the Midwest. The conference stands out among similar conference series in the country by its unique format, both in its speaker selection process and its schedule. For the past 34 years, this annual meeting has been serving as a regular event eagerly anticipated by the probabilists from the greater midwest area and beyond. It takes place just before the beginning of the hiring season, thus providing graduate students and young researchers an opportunity to interact face-to-face with senior mathematicians and to broaden their employment prospects. The conference is divided into two programs.In the Research Program, the principal speaker will give a series of two connected lectures, and the two hour speakers will give one talk each. The Tutorial Program will concentrate on a special research direction of current interest and will be hosted by a recognized leader in the direction. The host of the Tutorial Program will give two lectures on the background of the area, and a second speaker invited by the host will give a lecture on the latest research in the area. We will continue our commited principle of giving priority to active probabilists without NSF grants and other sources of support, especially to junior researchers and members of under-represented groups, including women, minorities and persons with disabilities. Intellectural Merit: Ever since its creation as a mathematical discipline, probability theory (and later, stochastic analysis) has been the most widely applicable branch of pure mathematics. Recent progresses in this and related fields attest to its newly found vitality. During the last decade we have seen a clear surge in popularity of probabilistic tools and methods in other branches of pure and applied mathematics. Broader Impacts: Probability theory has always interfaced well with studies in widely diverse areas outside mathematics, such as physics, computer science, economics, finance, statistics, and biology. Each of these neighboring subjects uses probabilistic tools and methods and in an essential way. By maintaining a broad scope of topics, the Midwest Probability Colloquium has continued to provide a forum for the exchange of intellectual interest across a wide array of applied fields as well as to core areas of mathematics.
Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/14


  • National Science Foundation (DMS‐1340377)


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