The CIRTL Network: 25 Research Universities Preparing a National Faculty to Advance STEM Undergraduate Learning

Project: Research project

Project Details


We will hire a new part time individual to assist with the development of CIRTL programs at Northwestern. The principal goal is to add capacity to enhance preparation of CIRTL Practitioners to produce 15, 20 and 25 Practitioners in the next three years. A principal responsibility of the new individual will be to facilitate Teaching as Research (TAR) projects by Northwestern TAR participants. Graduate students and postdocs who are either enrolled in or have formerly completed Northwestern’s Teaching Certificate program or appropriate online CIRTL courses will have the relevant background to do to TAR projects. Under the direction of the CIRTL leader and coleader, the new hire will be responsible for 1) tracking TAR participants and their mentors, 2) encouraging students and postdocs who are at a relevant stage of teaching development to do TAR projects, 3) helping to find contexts for projects, 4) assisting TAR participants in several ways: navigating the relevant education literature, providing consultation on project design, assessment, IRB preparation and resource availability, 5) holding meetings to create a learning community of individuals doing TAR projects in which they can critique each other’s projects and 6) assisting with assessment of programs for CIRTL Practitioners. Depending on credentials, this new individual may be appointed as a staff member of the Searle Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching, which is the base of CIRTL at Northwestern, or may be appointed as a postdoctoral fellow under the guidance of the CIRTL leader and co-leader. As an incentive for graduate students and postdocs to carry out TAR projects, we will also provide funding for at 5 to 10 TAR participants per year doing high-level projects to attend conferences to present their own education projects and learn about other education research and practice, either broadly or in the participant’s own domain. Such funding is not generally available from students’ research mentors.
Effective start/end date9/1/148/31/17


  • University of Wisconsin-Madison (578K292 // 578K292)
  • Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation (578K292 // 578K292)


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