Therapeutic intervention of SIRT3 driven luminal B tumors with SOD

  • Raparia, Kirtee (Co-PD/PI)
  • Gius, David R (Co-Investigator)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Since 2005, Avon Foundation has provided essential funding supporting a collaborative, comprehensive access to care program between the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University and Erie Family Health Center. With increasing challenges to care coordination, we plan to focus on enhancing the scope and range of services offered. Specifically, we propose to: •Expand screening and diagnostic navigation services to all women overdue for recommended breast health care, •Increase mammogram screening rates across sites from 63% to 65%, •Develop and pilot test a tiered outreach program that utilizes traditional and technology-assisted channels of communication to assist women with poorly controlled chronic disease who are also overdue for screening mammography.
Effective start/end date10/1/169/30/17


  • Avon Breast Cancer Crusade LLC (Agreement 01-2016-014)


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