Use of Endoscopic Functional Lumen Imaging Probe and Antroduodenal Manometry in Predicting Clinical Response to Gastric Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy

Project: Research project

Project Details


PROJECT/STUDY TITLE: Use of Endoscopic Functional Lumen Imaging Probe and Antroduodenal Manometry in Predicting Clinical Response to Gastric Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy. PROJECT/STUDY TITLE IN LAY TERMS: How to Predict Symptom Improvement after Novel Endoscopic Treatment for Gastroparesis.
Effective start/end date7/1/208/31/22


  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Agmt. 11/11/21 // Agmt. 11/11/21)
  • Digestive Health Foundation (Agmt. 11/11/21 // Agmt. 11/11/21)


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